
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于变形金刚英文版电影,变形金刚英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Transformer啦


1、Transformer啦! Transformer, electrical device consisting of one coil of wire placed in close proximity to one or more other coils, used to couple two or more alternating-current (AC) circuits together by employing the induction between the coils (see Electricity). The coil connected to the power source is called the primary coil, and the other coils are known as secondaries. A transformer in which the secondary voltage is higher than the primary is called a step-up transformer; if the secondary voltage is less than the primary, the device is known as a step-down transformer. The product of current times voltage is constant in each set of coils, so that in a step-up transformer, the voltage increase in the secondary is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the current. 参考文献:Microsoft Encarta 2006。


