wake me up歌词空耳(wake me up歌词)

导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于wake me up歌词空耳,wake me up歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Feeling

大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于wake me up歌词空耳,wake me up歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Feeling my way through the darkness在黑暗中寻找我的路Guided by a beating heart让跃动的心领导I can’t tell where the journey will end我说不出哪里是这趟旅行的终点But I know where it starts但我知道这是在哪里开始的They tell me I’m too young to understand他们告诉我,我不懂,因为太年轻They say I’m caught up in a dream他们告诉我。

2、我已迷失在梦中Well life will pass me by if I don’t open up my eyes若我不苏醒,时间便会擦身而过Well that’s fine by me好吧,我已经找到它了(什么乱七八糟的)Chorus: (x2)So wake me up when it’s all over所以当这一切结束时。

3、请叫醒我When I’m wiser and I’m older当我长大,更有智慧了All thistime I was finding myself我总是在寻找自己And I didn’t know I was lost而且我并不知道我曾迷失过Verse 2:I tried carrying the weight of the world我尝试顶住全世界的压力But I only have two hands却无能为力I hope I get the chance to travel the world我希望拥有环游世界的机会And I don’t have any plans毫无计划I wish that I could stay forever this young我奢望永生不老Not afraid to close my eyes不惧死亡Life’s a game made for everyone生活就是上帝给众生制造的一场游戏And love is a prize以爱为代价Chorus: (x2)So wake me up when it’s all over所以当这一切结束时,请叫醒我When I’m wiser and I’m older当我长大。

4、更有智慧了All this time I was finding myself我总是在寻找自己And I didn’t know I was lost而且我并不知道我曾迷失过I didn’t know I was lost我并不知道我曾迷失过I didn’t know I was lost我并不知道我曾迷失过I didn’t know I was lost我并不知道我曾迷失过I didn’t know I was lost我并不知道我曾迷失过。


