大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于say no,say这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、say say[sє; sєi](said[ (重读) s[d; sed; (轻读) s~d; s~d])(says[ (重读) s[z; sez; (轻读) s~z; s~z])及物动词1 说a. [对人]说…; [对人]说<话>[to]What did you ~?.你说什么?What do you expect me to ~ to you?.你要我对你说什么?I have nothing more to ~ (to you).我不再有话要 (对你) 说Who shall I ~, sir?.请问先生尊姓大名Easier said than done. (谚)说比做容易(言易而行难)S~ it with flowers.→ flower 1 a→ say the word,say a good word for.b. [关于…]说…,陈述…[about, on]What did he ~ about the accident [on the subject]?.关于那意外事件 [主题] 他怎么说?Something needs to [should] be said about it.关于那件事有些话要说The less said about it the better.关于那件事说得愈少愈好c. [对人]说…[to]He said to me, "Thank you, sir.".他对我说 :“谢谢您,先生”He said, "Yes, I will.".他说 :“我会的”d. 说…She said that she lived alone with her mother.她说她单独和母亲住在一起It is not too much to ~ that.?. 说…也不为过I must ~ you are exaggerating.我必须说你是在夸大其辞They ~ [It is said] that we are going to have a warmer winter this year.据说今年冬天会比较暖和I should [would] ~ (that.?) . (避免断言) 可以说…吧,大概会…吧"Will she come ?"- "I should [would] ~ so [not].".“她会来吗?”“大概会 [不会] 吧!”You may well ~ so.你大可以这样说,你说得有理So they ~.据说是如此(确实如何不清楚)So you ~.你是这样说(但是否如此还很难。
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