
导读 大家好,小小发现kingkong固态硬盘怎么样,kingkong这个很多人还不知道,那么小小来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我带着大家一起来看看!1、I...


1、In 1933, America, director Car decided to begin his great movie. So, he, Anne, an unemployed actress and some film producers went to an island that is full of dangers. Of course, except Car, everyone thought his or her destination is Canada. Accidentally, the ship was at last grounded at the island. There were wild people, dinosaurs and beasts everywhere. Unluckily, King Kong caught Anne. But it’s funny that King Kong was became attracted by Anne. Because of this, King Kong was caught and brought to the big city to make shows. On the first show day, King Kong escaped and went around the city to find the girl he loved. Due to this, he did lots of damages. And the army began to catch him or even kill him. When Anne knew this, she ran to King Kong. She did understand King Kong was not only a frightened huge monkey but also the one who saved her on the island. King Kong had fought with two dinosaurs to save her life. Sadly, no matter where King Kong went, no matter how hard Anne tried to protect it. Finally, King Kong was shoot and fell from the tallest building. He left his girl.。


标签: kingkong
